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Episode 3

After a not-so-easy debut, our 5 finalists are about to meet their first tutors and teachers. The day begins with a lecture held by Alessandro Renna, Founder & CEO at 4cLegal, about digital transformation in a corporate legal department. The finalists will have to persuade a rather traditionalist General Counsel to adopt a digital tool that will improve their department effectiveness. The most persuasive will have a competitive advantage in the afternoon test, proposed by one of the most innovative telecommunications companies: Vodafone. Antonio Corda, Legal Affairs, Privacy & Compliance Director, Niccolò Giora, Senior Counsel, Mariateresa Armenise and Francesca Sivieri, both Senior Counsels, will administer a test that is both technical and creative about misleading advertisement. Eugenio Razelli, President of Safilo Group’s Board of Directors, will join judges Renna and Urtiti in assessing the finalists’ proposals. Let the games begin!



La 4cLegal Academy è una full immersion nel diritto e nelle sue mille applicazioni pratiche. In questa puntata, Alessandro Renna, nei panni di formatore, ha proposto una lezione sulla Digital Transformation delle Direzioni Legali. Qui i materiali presentati ai finalisti.




Come cambia il lavoro del giurista d’impresa? Cosa si cerca nei giovani talenti di oggi? E qual è l’impatto della sostenibilità sul mercato legale? Ne parliamo con Antonio Corda, Legal Affairs, Privacy & Compliance Director Vodafone, docente della terza puntata della 4cLegal Academy.

4cLegal xAcademy: IL TALENT PER IL WEB

Cosa fare dopo la laurea in giurisprudenza e come rispondere alle nuove richieste del mercato del lavoro? Qui alcuni suggerimenti pratici per approcciare al meglio il mondo professionale. E per mettere alla prova le tue competenze, nasce la 4cLegal xAcademy: seguici su Instagram ogni giovedì alle 20:30 e partecipa ai quiz. Potrai diventare il Legal Talent of the Year, Web Edition!

4cLegal Academy IV

Episode 10
The last speech

After intense days of lectures and tests with some of the most important law firms and companies in Italy, the finale has come for Elena, Nicole, Lisa, Giovanni and Nicolò. Our finalists will have one last chance to prove they have what it takes to become the Legal Talent of the Year 2023. Who will convince the three judges, Alessandro Renna, Lorena Urtiti and Mario Alberto Catarozzo, and lift the trophy?



Eleonora Bruno

Presidente ELSA Italia

Eugenio Razelli

Presidente del Consiglio di Amministrazione di SAFILO GROUP

Cristiana Scelza

CEO Russia Prysmian Group

Francesco Paolo Perchinunno

Presidente AIGA


Antonio Corda

Legal Affairs, Privacy & Compliance Director Vodafone

Niccolò Giora

Senior Counsel Vodafone

Maria Mariniello

Head of Legal & Compliance Southern Europe JLL

Simone Arena

Senior Legal Counsel JLL


Giampiero Falasca

Partner DLA Piper

Sara Belotti

Partner Squire Patton Boggs

Isabella Fusillo

Advisor for tax and law firm Gruppo Stratego

Roberta De Matteo

Founder e Vicepresidente MOPI Italia

Special Guest


Giovanni Ciriello

Lisa Colangelo

Elena Maria Calini Ibba

Nicolò Gibelli

Media Partner

Technical Partner

Companies and Firms

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