Acquedotto Pugliese S.p.A.
“We can only be very satisfied of the experience that we have launched with 4cLegal. The legal procurement platform is user friendly and fully meets our need of selecting the most qualified lawyer for a specific mandate in a transparent way: this is essential, especially considering that Acquedotto Pugliese is a public organization. The use of the platform significantly speeds up the comparative procedures. For example, the "Track record" section allows us quickly select the professionals to invite to the digital beauty contests on the base of their previous experience.”Avv. Pietro Giorgio Savino, Direttore legale di Acquedotto Pugliese S.p.A.

“To realize a product for an entity as complex and variegated as ours that manages, in my opinion, unmatched volumes of disputes, and that has worked perfectly since the very beginning, has been a surprise even for us”Avv. Claudia Ricchetti, Direttore Affari Legali ANAS S.p.A.

GSE S.p.A.
“I would highly recommend the use of 4cLegal’s software to anyone that want to conciliate simplicity and transparency in the management of tenders.”Avv. Antonio Pugliese, Direzione Affari Legali e Societari GSE S.p.A.

MM S.p.A.
“The choice of subscribing to a digital platform -for the management of a list of accredited legal professionals, and of the beauty contests between them- has proved a successful one. The platform is excellent to make the process of legal procurement fully transparent. We are able to identify the legal professionals that are best suited to collaborate with our company in all its diverse business areas.”Avv. Antonella Cupiccia Responsabile Legale MM S.p.A.

Servizio Idrico Integrato
“I am happy to advocate for the use of the 4cLegal platform. I think it’s a very handy tool, and definitely customizable by the company that purchases it. It brings together transparency and competition in the legal market with the ability to choice the best lawyers needed.”Dott. Valeria Iacobellis, Legal Office Servizio Idrico Integrato

Municipality of Vimodrone (Milan)
“The service offered through the 4cLegal platform is compliant with the prescriptions contained in the ANAC [the Italian Anticorruption Authority] guidelines and meets our expectations in full. It is an easy-to-use and well-structured tool, which allows its users to quickly carry out the beauty contest process between the accredited lawyers. These are invited to participate in the process on the base of state-of-the-art criteria, set by the organization with the aim of finding professionals who have the right competences with regard to the legal mandate to assign”Dott. Enrico Pintaldi, Chief Tax Administrator, Municipality of Vimodrone (Milan)

“The platform offers undeniable advantages in terms of transparency and efficiency. Moreover, in a multinational context as the one we live in, the platform makes it easier to handle reporting duties towards the parent company”
Avv. Stefano Brogelli, Legal and Compliance Director Axpo Italia
Avv. Stefano Brogelli, Legal and Compliance Director Axpo Italia

“My judgment about the 4cLegal platform is extremely positive because it is built on the specific need of outsourcing legal services and it allows to handle with flexibility every assignment. This makes life much easier.”
Avv. Diego Manzetti, Head of Legal South European Zone and General Counsel Italy AIG
Avv. Diego Manzetti, Head of Legal South European Zone and General Counsel Italy AIG

“Through the 4cLegal platform I manage RFPs in an effective way, ensuring to the company the supplying of every external legal service. The tool is intuitive and easy to use: it allows to process extremely detailed RFPs”
Avv. Fabio Cangiano, Head of Legal Department SPIG S.p.A.
Avv. Fabio Cangiano, Head of Legal Department SPIG S.p.A.

“I firmly believe that the digital RFP is, for each Legal Department, an essential tool for the optimisation in the selection of external professionals, ensuring the highest degree of transparency, traceability and efficiency in the management if this delicate process.”
Avv. Alessandro Vitolo, Legal & Compliance Manager Opocrin S.p.A.
Avv. Alessandro Vitolo, Legal & Compliance Manager Opocrin S.p.A.

“The 4cLegal staff’s attention has always been constant and well-timed. The platform is surely a valid support in the choices that I consider sensitive: to accurately cooperate with selected external consultants is crucial”
Avv. Ferdinanda Tanganelli, Legal Support Section Manager at Kruk S.r.l.
Avv. Ferdinanda Tanganelli, Legal Support Section Manager at Kruk S.r.l.

“The awareness and tranquillity of being able to be assisted by external excellences and being able to rely on a constant and professional support from the 4cLegal’s staff represent an added value in terms of time optimisation spent for the selection of the legal services and to foster the best results.”
Avv. Sara Ricci, Responsabile Affari Legali Coopselios
Avv. Sara Ricci, Responsabile Affari Legali Coopselios

“I used the 4cLegal's platform and found it efficient and effective for performing RFPs. The platform has the advantage of being able to create consultancy requests in a manner that complies with the different needs of the project, it can involve several firms that have the necessary characteristics for the desired advice and the whole process takes place quickly and with the possibility to view and easily export the different offers received. The result is optimal and is obtained through a completely transparent process. It is certainly a useful tool for any company either private or public”
Avv. Cinzia Melis Head of Commercial and Technology Contracts at Atlantia S.p.A.
Avv. Cinzia Melis Head of Commercial and Technology Contracts at Atlantia S.p.A.

“My evaluation concerning the 4cLegal’s platform is absolutely positive: it allowed me, in a short amount of time, to be able to contact several law firms in order to receive several bids within a specific deadline. Once received the bids, I have been able to simply compare them, not only saving time but also assessing them in a more objective and transparent way.”
Laura Tricomi, Group Director Legal Affairs Isagro S.p.A.
Laura Tricomi, Group Director Legal Affairs Isagro S.p.A.

“Creating the backbone of the legal department of the company requires time and precision. 4cLegal helped us with positive experiences to contact and compare new law firms that meet our specific needs."
Valentina Parisi, Corporate Affairs and Corporate Compliance BravoNext SA
Valentina Parisi, Corporate Affairs and Corporate Compliance BravoNext SA

“4cLegal has the virtue of giving visibility to some firms, maybe out of the legal counsel’s range, that are excellences in their operating sector or in their own territory, North-West Italy in this example."
Emanuele Maria Raccagni, Referente Affari Legali Marchiol
Emanuele Maria Raccagni, Referente Affari Legali Marchiol

“The platform has allowed us to aknowledge and give assignment to law firms with whom we never worked before and to whom we would not have spontaneously granted the assignment without the support of the RFP."
Federico Piccaluga, General Counsel Duferco Participations Holding SA Energy Division
Federico Piccaluga, General Counsel Duferco Participations Holding SA Energy Division

“Thanks to the 4cLegal platform we have had the opportunity to get in touch with law firms with whom we never had contacts before and were able to manage their selection in a quick, trasparent and more objective way"
Massimiliano Colognesi, Legal & Corporate Affairs Manager ABInBev Italy
Massimiliano Colognesi, Legal & Corporate Affairs Manager ABInBev Italy

“The 4cLegal platform is a unique, easy to use tool to handle the process of selection of outside counsel. It guarantees a process that is transparent and efficient, just as it needs to be when it comes to a listed company such as Esprinet. The platform allows to select the type of law firms whose skills are best suited to obtained the most effective result, with the greatest accuracy.”
Avv. Rosario Bovino, General Counsel Esprinet S.p.A.
Avv. Rosario Bovino, General Counsel Esprinet S.p.A.

“We had a recent and positive experience with the highly skilled and very competent 4cLegal team who made us more aware of the new laws and regulations of our field of interest with a special focus on transparency, traceability, anticorruption and more. This is why we indeed recommend the 4cLegal platform without hesitation.”
Avv. Angela Pesce, Coord. Legal Area - Resp. Trasparency Arpac Multiservizi srl – Napoli
Avv. Angela Pesce, Coord. Legal Area - Resp. Trasparency Arpac Multiservizi srl – Napoli

“The 4cLegal platform has been crucially helpful when we needed to identify an advisor in a very specific sector. We could carry on a business intelligence activity in selecting the professionals beforehand, so that the choice was much easier.”
Avv. Alessandra Ferrari, Direttore Affari Legali e Compliance A2A
Avv. Alessandra Ferrari, Direttore Affari Legali e Compliance A2A

“The 4cLegal tool is 100% in line with the Repower style: clear, fast and simple. Repower is now going through a great innovation process and our legal & compliance office is facing new challenges (mobility, ip right, etc...), 4cLegal allows to select the best professional for our needs in a clear, fast and simple way.”
Avv. Andrea Bordogna General Counsel Repower Italia
Avv. Andrea Bordogna General Counsel Repower Italia

“Through the 4cLegal platform I was able to launch a beauty contest in several different areas of the law (i.e IP, compliance 231, privacy just to name a few..) which allowed me to select highly skilled professional who met my expectation perfectly as they carried out their task with the greatest accuracy. I find all the 4cLegal services very helpful in my day-by-day professional activity and the platform very easy to use, clear in the exchange of the information and very fast in selecting the law firm with the characteristics I need.”
Avv. Elisabetta Racca Head of Legal Affairs IBSA Institut Biochimique SA
Avv. Elisabetta Racca Head of Legal Affairs IBSA Institut Biochimique SA

“The 4cLegal platform is a very new and helpful tool for researching the legal professionals at the right price in Italy and abroad, . The tool itself is easy to use, it allows to choose the legal firms that best suit our need and invite them to the contest. We can apply a uniform criteria and therefore obtain offers that are perfectly comparable. The transparency in the process of selecting the legal firms is a great plus to ensure a good governance. Moreover the 4cLegal team offers a very professional and highly valuable support in all the different phases of the contest."
Avv. Pierpaola Gambarota General counsel Corneliani S.p.A.
Avv. Pierpaola Gambarota General counsel Corneliani S.p.A.

“Efficiency, transparency and traceability. These are the characteristics of the 4cLegal platform. I found it a very useful tool when the decision making process needs to be fast and accurate. It has allowed me to save time still acting correctly and professionally. It does help our work as General Counsel."
Avv. Sergio Marini, General Counsel Fendi Srl
Avv. Sergio Marini, General Counsel Fendi Srl

The 4cLegal platform gave us the opportunity to know a new way to select the law firms and the professionals with the expertise we need in our sector of business. The beauty contest held through the platform has proved to be very useful as it met both the need for efficiency in the research and highly skilled legal advice we needed."
Avv. Loana Gava Head of Legal & Credits Puratos Italia Srl
Avv. Loana Gava Head of Legal & Credits Puratos Italia Srl

“I held a contest through the 4cLegal platform in order to obtain legal assistance in Russia and I am completely satisfied of the outcome which met our business need within the budget we had. We are facing a complex growth in our business and the alliance with 4cLegal made it possible to reduce our workload as far as the research, selection and evaluation of the foreign law firms are concerned. We were, at the same time, able to satisfy the local management's need for support."
Avv. Federica Tognoni, Head of Legal Dept Tesmec S.p.A
Avv. Federica Tognoni, Head of Legal Dept Tesmec S.p.A

“I was positively impressed by the 4cLegal platfom. I find it an excellent tool which allows to choose among the best law firms and professionals after a comparison that takes into consideration their expertises and competences. It is a tool that not only makes the selection of the professional much easier, but also meets the need for transparency and documentation within a company. Moreover using the platform is easy and the support of the 4cLegal team, outstanding."
Avv. Marta Morrone Legal Counsel Italy - Legal Department Accor Hotel Srl
Avv. Marta Morrone Legal Counsel Italy - Legal Department Accor Hotel Srl

“I had the opportunity to use the 4cLegal platform when I needed to select advisors for very important projects. I really appreciated the flexibility of this tool which was really helpful in the choice, which also proved very good. Moreover, the support provided by the 4cLegal team is just invaluable as they assist in every way, technically and professionally, in every phase of the selection. I strongly recommend the 4cLegal platform and services to my colleagues, as we ourselves will certainly use it again in the future."
Avv. Gianpaolo Accossato, General Counsel Magneti Marelli S.p.A.
Avv. Gianpaolo Accossato, General Counsel Magneti Marelli S.p.A.

“The 4cLegal platform offers an invaluable support to the research of legal firms with specific expertises. It makes it possible to come in touch with a plurality of professionals whose experience in the fields required is proved and verified."
Avv. Ulisse Spada, General Counsel Piaggio S.p.A.
Avv. Ulisse Spada, General Counsel Piaggio S.p.A.

“The 4cLegal team is a pleasure to work with. Not only are they very professional and prepared but also nice and always ready to help. Their enthusiasm and energy are really inspirational. They assisted us step by step and we were able to take the most from their services. Overall I do judge them competent, professional, cutting-edge and customer focused. I surely recommend their services."
Avv. Enza Prencipe, Head of Legal and General Affairs Consorzio Nazionale Imballaggi - CONAI
Avv. Enza Prencipe, Head of Legal and General Affairs Consorzio Nazionale Imballaggi - CONAI

I did use the platform with great success, and I also appreciated the professionality of the people behind it very much. The 4cLegal platform is indeed a tool that I would recommend both to small/medium size legal firms and to big companies which want to select the providers of their legal services so to chose the one who has the required skills and competencies not only the best price."
Avv. Filippo Fonzi, Legal Director Unieuro S.p.A.
Avv. Filippo Fonzi, Legal Director Unieuro S.p.A.

For in-house legal counsel departments, recruiting partners in foreign markets represents a particularly difficult challenge, for many reasons – for example the limited knowledge of the market itself, or the need for maximum clarity in the writing of a highly technical Request for Proposal in a foreign language. The digital beauty contest platform offered by 4cLegal is instrumental in solving all issues, thanks to its flexibility and effectiveness. We were able to successfully and quickly finalize the selection procedure of a legal partner in Germany."
Avv. Corrado Druetta - Corporate Legal Counsel - COMAU S.p.A.
Avv. Corrado Druetta - Corporate Legal Counsel - COMAU S.p.A.

I wish to express total appreciation for the support provided by 4cLegal in the set up of a beauty contest on their platform. Such appreciation goes well beyond the mere assistance for the platform’s use to include the all-round quality of the relationship with the members of 4cLegal. It is no coincidence that we still have a solid partnership with the law firm we discovered on the 4cLegal platform during the beauty contest."
Penelope Rossi, HR Business Partner, Markem-Imaje
Penelope Rossi, HR Business Partner, Markem-Imaje

"Our company is fully satisfied with the service provided by 4cLegal. We were able to find a law firm that took care of a complicated situation in Qatar, which had been draining some of our financial resources for years. We enjoyed the possibility of carefully evaluating the experience of multiple law firms, and of following their performance on the ground."
Sara Bortolaro, S.E.F. Italia
Sara Bortolaro, S.E.F. Italia

“We believe in innovation. Since the beginning we appreciated the 4cLegal’s method, and identified the element of novelty able to reward quality as well as substance.”
Avv. Carlo Scarpa, Studio Legale Tonucci & Partners
Avv. Carlo Scarpa, Studio Legale Tonucci & Partners

“4cLegal represents one of the most important players within the market, with a platform able to provide qualified opportunities thanks to a net of partnerships and collaborations with companies of primary importance.”
Avv. Gabriele Fava, Studio Legale Fava e Associati
Avv. Gabriele Fava, Studio Legale Fava e Associati

“I consider RFPs to be very beneficial in today’s legal world because they allow everyone to be competitive in the market maintaining high quality requirements.”
Avv. Domenico Pitruzzella, Studio Legale Pitruzzella
Avv. Domenico Pitruzzella, Studio Legale Pitruzzella

“A pioneer in the field of RFPs, 4cLegal is able to innovate the traditional attorney-client relationship, reducing the time of the questions and answers as well as simplifying for the client the evaluation and the comparison of the proposals. ”
Avv. Gianluca De Cristofaro, Studio Legale LCA
Avv. Gianluca De Cristofaro, Studio Legale LCA

“The 4cLegal’s platform certainly combines innovation and competitiveness: essential elements in order to better meet clients demands and ensure quality. ”
Avv. Stefania Radoccia, Partner Studio Legale Tributario EY
Avv. Stefania Radoccia, Partner Studio Legale Tributario EY

“Joining 4cLegal pushed us to compete. and competing means, first of all, to seek the constant improvement of oneself and one's outwards image, this is the first and most important step to take towards one's professional fulfilment ”
Alessandro Nicolini, Partner Studio Legale Associato Pugliese Avvocati
Alessandro Nicolini, Partner Studio Legale Associato Pugliese Avvocati

“4cLegal has proved that the offers of legal services can be compared in an innovative manner that we can define 4.0, using a successful expression. The innovative solution proposed can only be appreciated by the legal market, sometimes folded up on itself.”
Eugenio Novario, Founder Studio Legale Novario
Eugenio Novario, Founder Studio Legale Novario

“The beauty contest is an innovative and almost revolutionary tool for the legal market. It is useful for both companies and law firms, particularly for those who have perceived the importance of the brand reputation. It helps companies to meet firms regardless their dimensions or the geographical territory where they act and at the same time it makes it possibile to differentiate their legal panel, cutting fees without compromising the legal service’s quality. It is a powerful communication tool.”
Mennato Fusco, Tax Partner at Fusco & Partners, Studio legale tributario
Mennato Fusco, Tax Partner at Fusco & Partners, Studio legale tributario

“The experience is positive: it allowed a small firm like mine to "prove itself" in a reality that was otherwise unreachable. Unexpectedly, the company did the same thing: they told me that they “tried” the beauty contest because they wanted to establish a contact with realities that they would have not known otherwise.”
Davide De Vido, Founder Studio Legale De Vido
Davide De Vido, Founder Studio Legale De Vido

“Unlike other online platforms, the 4cLegal’s beauty contest enables the comparison between firms' service and, in this perspective, it is a reason for professional growth, benefiting the clients and the legal market.”
Avv. Marianna Ristuccia, Studio Legale Ristuccia&Tufarelli
Avv. Marianna Ristuccia, Studio Legale Ristuccia&Tufarelli

“4cLegal offers a useful and modern tool for both companies and firms, based on transparency and correct competition.”
Elena Martini, Founding Partner at Martini Manna
Elena Martini, Founding Partner at Martini Manna

“4cLegal has shown on the field professionalism and fairness, working with a method that has allowed to overcome any reasonable doubt brought by the novelty and the delicacy of the service offered”
Avv. Antonio Nicoletti, AN & Partners Studio Legale
Avv. Antonio Nicoletti, AN & Partners Studio Legale

"We joint the 4cLegal platform since the beginning of its activity as we deeply shared its values: efficiency, innovation, transparency and professionality. Years later, we are happy of the choice made as 4cLegal proved such an invaluable instrument to support our business.”
Gennaro D'Andria, Founder Dandria Studio Legale - 3D Legal
Gennaro D'Andria, Founder Dandria Studio Legale - 3D Legal

"We believe in technology and innovation. The 4cLegal beauty contest combines both of these aspects by offering new opportunities for law firms and companies to connect through a meritocratic process of selection”
Raffaele Battaglini, Founder Battaglini - De Sabato Law Firm
Raffaele Battaglini, Founder Battaglini - De Sabato Law Firm

"I can say that the process of creation and development of the Website was quick and efficient. The graphic templates to choose from are in line with the most recent trends in the Internet. We were able to easily manage the site autonomously, but assistance was readily available the few times we needed it.”
Francesco Severi, lawyer at Studio Galletti e Associati
Francesco Severi, lawyer at Studio Galletti e Associati

"4cLegal offers excellent and efficient marketing services for law firms. The staff is always in contact with customers and collaborate with them in order to find the best solution to every question that arises, fulfilling all requests. The digitalization instruments offered brought much improvement to the digital image of the law firm.”
Giuseppe Rochira, Founder Rochira & Partners
Giuseppe Rochira, Founder Rochira & Partners

"My experience with 4cLegal with regard to the construction and publication of the Website was excellent. We were assisted by a very professional graphic designer, and obtained new logos and a exhaustive and user-friendly Website. Today, this is all essential to the business of a law firm.”
Filippo Candotti, founder Candotti Studio Legale
Filippo Candotti, founder Candotti Studio Legale

"I am very satisfied with the precious assistance at every phase and with a prompt and competent response to every information’s request. Also, the website creation complies with what was requested, in any case the assistance feedback received was important and continuous. ”
Claudio D’Aniello, lawyer
Claudio D’Aniello, lawyer