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Episode 9
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Almost at the final stage, there's no more adrenaline-pumping challenge than a "russian roulette". But fear not, the "russian roulette clause" has little to do with the dangerous game of chance. It's a contractual mechanism in corporate law concerning share purchase. Providing us with a more precise insight will be lawyers Emanuele Rumi Rios and Alessia Salamone, both Senior Associates at GPD. Joining them will be Luca Mignini, Professor of Practice at Bocconi University and Former Chief Operating Officer of Campbell Soup Company. Who among these talents will demonstrate superior problem-solving skills?
Following this negotiation challenge, in the afternoon session, Paolo Rapetti, General Counsel of FdA Group, will lead a session on drafting an ethical code aimed at defining the principles of behavior to guide the group's relationship with its stakeholders. Contestants will be judged by Mario Alberto Catarozzo, business coach and trainer, Alessandro Renna, Founder and CEO of 4cLegal, and Special Judge Antonia Boccadoro, President of REVO Insurance.


Il talento secondo GPD

Consigli per giovani talenti del mercato legale: ne abbiamo parlato con i formatori della nona puntata dello studio GPD.

L’Academy secondo GPD

Cosa vuol dire partecipare alla 4cLegal Academy in qualità di formatori per uno studio come GPD a vocazione internazionale? Lo abbiamo chiesto a Emanuele Rumi Rios, Senior Associate dello studio.

Academy 5

Episode 10
The finals
26 June 2024
Giovanni, Claudia, Sofia, Gian Luca, and Valentina are about to cross the finish line after days of challenging tasks and strong emotions. One final series of trials awaits them, under the watchful eyes of the three judges who selected them in the first episode: Alessandro Renna, Mario Alberto Catarozzo, and Sarah Cartasegna. The circle of this fifth edition closes today: who will be the Legal Talent of the Year 2024?

Discover the protagonists

Special Guests

Andrea Di Paolo

Head of Legal, Compliance and Regulatory Affairs di BAT Italia e Presidente di BAT Trieste

Alessandro Cozzi

Claims Specialist Aon

Emanuela Spizzo

Head Of Legal Affairs & Chief People Officer Michelin Italia

Andrea Cignola

Finance, Accounting & Control CIM 4.0

Nara Aslanyan

Fondatrice di Caffè Milanese

Alberto Silva

Co-Fondatore e CEO di SAHIB Srl

Andrea Silva

Co-Fondatore di SAHIB Srl

Gianpaolo Alessandro

General Counsel Unicredit

Shannon Lazzarini

Head of Group Legal Advice & Litigation and Group Deputy General Counsel Unicredit

Manlio Stefano Nuzzo

Head of Group Corporate Affairs Department Unicredit

Paolo Rapetti

General Counsel FDA Group

Raffaella Cosentino

Founder Almost Blue srl

Gianni Cicogna

Presidente Smartpeg e autore di "Talenti"

Luca Arnaboldi

Managing Partner Carnelutti Law Firm

Maurizio Bortolotto

Socio fondatore dello Studio Legale Gebbia Bortolotto - Penalisti Associati

Andrea Gemma

Socio fondatore GPD

Emanuele Rumi Rios

Senior Associate GPD

Giorgio Morando

Magistrato Ordinario presso il Tribunale di Genova con funzioni di Giudice per le Indagini Preliminari

Niccolò Giora

Senior Legal Counsel Vodafone Italia

Matteo Serafini

Finalista 4cLegal Academy III

Maria Elena Orlandini

Finalista 4cLegal Academy II

Maria Costa

Finalista 4cLegal Academy I


Claudia Fallarino

Gian Luca Carulli

Giovanni Scielzo

Sofia Piermarioli

Valentina Scuderi

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