The University of Padova
becomes the capital of the Legal Market 4.0
June 27, 2019, Palazzo del Bo
On June 27 th , 2019, the University of Padova became the capital of the Legal Market 4.0: an unprecedented connection between tradition and innovation, culture and work, history and current events.
Academics, lawyers, in-house lawyers, students, legal procurement specialists, marketing and legal communication experts, legal head hunters and innovators discussed the salient features of the modern legal market, with its milestones, its development trends and its new boundaries.
Following a red thread that linked two Paduan students, Elena Lucrezia Piscopia Cornaro (first woman to graduate in history, in Padua, in 1678) and Silvia Bernardi (2019 winner of the first talent dedicated to the legal market), 4cLegal and the University of Padova, with its prestigious School of Law, offered a reflection on the new role of academic education in the world of law and on the future that sees the new generations of jurists as protagonists
The program included four round tables and several thematic desks in the prestigious setting of Palazzo del Bo, Via VIII Febbraio 2, in Padua.
Universa universis patavina libertas
The freedom of the University of Padova is for everyone. The motto "Universa universis patavina libertas" originates from the concept of “patavina libertas”, linked to the flowering, in the thirteenth-century, of the free Municipality of Padua, which, in that period, was one of the most important in Italy. A freedom that must be interpreted as "freedom from", rather than "freedom of": the University of Padua in fact was not established ex privilegio, with the approval of the Pope or the Emperor, but thanks to the aggregation of teachers and students, who migrated from the University of Bologna looking for greater autonomy of study and research. Since the constitution of the Studium, the University of Padova always exercised this desire of openness and inclusiveness, which was demonstrated in practice, for example, by admitting into the University even non-Catholic students - such as Jews, who were normally confined to ghettos - and this attitude was confirmed through the centuries until today. "A beautiful motto," states Magnifico Rettore Rosario Rizzuto, “because it explaines that openness of knowledge and freedom are guaranteed to everyone. Freedom means freedom of study but also of life, of being who you are, with your civil opinions and yours religious beliefs. It seems like a simple concept nowadays, but there have been times when it was not obvious and the University of Padova has always defended it for eight centuries".
From Universitas iuristarum to the Scuola di Giurisprudenza
Formally established in 1222, the University of Jurists - Universitas iuristarum - represents the founding core of the University of Padova. Founded within the framework of a more general articulation of "juridical knowledge" within the free Municipality of Padua, the University of Padova immediately became known as a "free" university, an internationally renowned center for study and research, which saw a flowering during the sixteenth century, gathering up to 22 nationes - the associations that brought the students together according to their origin – right at the law school. The Faculty of Law, established in 1872, has always kept up the name of legal studies in Padua, becoming the protagonist of a story - as Magnifico Rettore Giuseppe Zaccaria recalled at the opening of the 789th academic year - “of cultural as well as techical-legal commitment”, based on the search for “a knowledge capable of understanding the dynamics of interpersonal relationships in depth”, fueled by "a tradition of high juridical knowledge, a weave of legal technique and humanistic culture that still connotes legal studies in Padua". The academic experience of the Faculty of Law ended on 31 December 2011 to continue with the School of Law, which includes Department of Public, International and Community Law and the Department of Private Law and Critique of Law. A renewal aimed at a necessary reorganization and which, however, starting from the particular denomination, unites present and future with a long tradition of excellence.
The constitution of 4cLegal
4cLegal was founded by Alessandro Renna, who graduated in 2003 with a mark of 110 cum laude at the University of Genoa, discussing a thesis on Company Law with Prof. Avv. Franco Bonelli as supervisor (conferred the dignity of printing).
Former lawyer at Bonelli Erede, Dewey & LeBoeuf, Grimaldi, Gattai Minoli Agostinelli, after a secondment abroad (Chicago) and experiences as a consultant in Allianz SpA, in 2014 he founded 4cLegal, of which he is CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors.
The founding principles
4cLegal has been founded in an attempt to innovate the legal market in a useful and concrete way, at the Italian level in the first place and internationally in the second place. 4cLegal's mission is to create a legal market whose founding principles are: openness, transparency, competition, meritocracy, symmetry information. This is possible thanks to the use of technology as an enabling factor of change.
The marketplace www.4clegal.com
The first digital marketplace for corporate legal services in the world was born in 2014 with 4cLegal: through the www.4clegal.com platform, companies can carry out comparative procedures (so-called "digital beauty contest") inviting specialized law firms to formulate professional assistance offers containing information about experiences, skills, organization of the law firm and costs of professional assistance.
It is the company that chooses which law firms to invite to their digital beauty contests and to choose, among the participants, the one to be entrusted with an assistance assignment (often with personal meetings in-depth study).
Each studio benefits from a dedicated space in the platform where it can present its own activities and distinctive aspects.
Several hundred companies and professional studios are currently part of the marketplace www.4clegal.com.
Activity in the public sector
The digital beauty contest developed by 4cLegal realizes key principles for all organizations, such as transparency, traceability, competition, impartiality. These principles are binding for public operators, for which 4cLegal has developed customized platforms for the creation of lawyers registers and beauty contests (eg Metropolitan Milanesi, ANAS, GSE, Umbra Acque, Friuli Venezia Giulia Strade, ISMEA).
The community in the legal market
In 2017, 4cLegal published a new website creating the Talks section (4cLegal Talks) and enhances its communication on social network (especially LinkedIn, recently adding Facebook and Instagram).
These operations led to the creation of a vertical community - interested in legal market issues - which grows from month to month and includes many tens of thousands of followers.
4cLegal Academy is the first talent dedicated to the new Italian legal market, narreted through a 10 episodes web serie. A disruptive initiative that wants to capture the beauty and the peculiarities of a sector in strong evolution. A legal market different from the one you are used to: compelling, exciting and promoter of values such as transparency, competition and merit.
The protagonists are are five brilliant recent graduates in Law, eight professors selected from the best Italian lawyers and business jurists and three expert judges experts and innovators in the sector, who have the final responsibility to decree the 2019 Legal Talent of the Year.
The promising youngsters face eight concrete legal cases, leveraging technical skills, soft skills and vision skills. The tests were prepared by the heads of the legal departments of ANAS, IBSA Institut Biochimique, Magneti Marelli and Sorgenia and by the lawyers of Carnelutti Studio Legale Associato, Deloitte Legal Italia, Nctm Studio Legale and Puccio Giovannini - Associated Penalists: they will be, in their capacity as teachers of the 4cLegal Academy, to evaluate the tests of the boys and prepare the final sentence of the judges.
A unique educational experience that brings young people closer to their future in primary business realities and in professional studies of excellence.
Watch the videos and relive the emotions of 4cLegal Academy!
My School of Law 4.0:
In a legal market that is going to change in the next years more than it has in the last centuries, the real challenge is to define the new role of the School of Law. What do you think? Tell us, with a 20 second video, your ideas and your proposals about how you imagine the School of Law of the future.