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Episode 8

Last challenges for the 5 finalists of the 4cLegal Academy: it is definitely time to play the best cards. In the morning, the young promises will meet judge Mario Alberto Catarozzo who, acting as trainer, will propose a lesson on teamworking in the legal profession. In the following trial, the finalists will need to set aside their prejudices and work in harmony to present the jury with their ideal project of law firm. Only the one who will have performed best will obtain an advantage for the afternoon’s challenge with a corporation. The context is that of insurances. The candidates meet Roberto Grasso (Director & General Manager) and Paolo Di Capua (Head of Claims & Legal Assistance) of D.A.S., the company of Generali Italia Group specialized in legal protection insurances. They will ask them to solve a case that happened in real life: the negotiation of a leasing agreement between lessor and tenant. The latter wants to revise some clauses in light of the changes brought about by the COVID pandemic. Who will manage to find a fair compromise between the parts out of court, thus avoiding an expensive litigation?

Academy II

Episode 10:
The Final
17 December 2020

It’s the day of the final judgment. In an intense path of trials and training, the young finalists – Ludovica, Mario, Giacomo, Maria Elena and Tiziano – challenge after challenge, put themselves to the test and made their talents shine. Only one of them, however, will be the Legal Talent of the Year: the jury will make the final call. It won’t be easy at all. Who will conquer the title?




Nicola Baraldi

Vertical Business Product Marketing TeamSystem

Paolo Bardelli

Responsabile Ufficio Legale e Assicurazioni, STEF Italia S.p.A.

Antonella Cupiccia

General Counsel MM S.p.A.

Enrico Favale

Head of Legal and Procurement FCA BANK GROUP

Roberto Grasso

Director & General Manager D.A.S. Italy

Helèna Ravasini

Head of Legal Huawei Technologies Italia

Emanuela Spizzo

Head of Legal Affairs Michelin Italiana S.p.A.


Michele Borlasca

Senior Partner Zunarelli Studio Legale Associato

Gabriele Faggioli

CEO Gruppo Digital360

Gabriele Fava

Founder Studio legale Fava & Associati

Andrea Montuschi

Partner & President Great Place to Work Italia

Special Guest


Giacomo Arena

Ludovica Terenzi

Maria Elena Orlandini

Mario Umberto Caccuri

Tiziano Saguto


Media relations and communications partner
